For the collage, I chose the postcards as the subject because for me, my family and friends travel all over the world and I love getting postcards from them. It was a sentimental subject. I wanted it to be a portrait orientation to showcase the length and express just how many postcards I get. I also chose to use bigger slivers of the postcards so you get more color and subject from them but still are not sure of the places that they are from.
In creating this image, I wanted to tell a personal story of how much traveling means to my family and how pieces of our life put together can make a beautiful image. I think it deals with the idea of how chaotic our life can be and how all over the place it is but so colorful and beautiful it is at the same time.
The students really like the story behind it, the colors and the whole idea. They thought it might be cool to keep going and just adding on more postcards to it as the years go by. I like that idea and am really interesting in doing something like that. Maybe adding on to this one or creating a different collage for each year.
Boy yelling at bunny:
For this one I wanted a landscape orientation to really get the whole scene in the frame. I chose natural lighting because I loved how it was working with the scene, it really brought so much overall light and gave the image a sense of film still even. I wanted this perspective so that the spilled orange juice led you up to the bunny who was getting yelled at for the spilled drink.
In creating this image, I wanted to play with the idea of posed performance and the idea of giving life to toys. This could have been just a bunny sitting there but the interaction with the human gives it a sense that the bunny did spill the OJ. I think that this image deals with the idea of the role of normally inanimate objects in our life and how we have always grown up with them and given them life in our play time but what if they always had life?
The class really liked this photograph and the colors in it. They liked the scene and wanted me to keep going with it, maybe make more or expand on this scene. They like how the background made the colors of the guy and the bunny stand out. I really enjoyed making this and would be interested in doing more with this bunny, this scene or just totally new toys and scenes too.
Storm troopers triptych:
For this one, I chose to make it a triptych because I think it enhances the idea of the narrative. I also chose to get close to the storm troopers in the photographs to make it seem like they were bigger and that they were doing the actions and had life in them. I wanted to use natural light from windows and indoor lights to make it seem that they were just going about their day instead of posing.
In creating this image, I again wanted to play with the idea of giving life to toys. As we get older we do not play with toys as much and we think they lose life but what if they didn't. what if they had their own lives. I think this image deals with that idea of as we grow older we lose our sense of creativity but maybe getting back to the toys, we can bring that back.
The class enjoyed the photographs and thought they were amusing. They liked the triptych and agreed that it brought more of a narrative to it. They like the lighting and colors also. I really enjoyed working with the toys and already have plans to make more scenes with them to make it seem like they are alive.
Stop motion- Storm Troopers love Oreos
For the stop motion, I wanted to keep the background of the kitchen just how it was. I feel like it makes it seem as if the storm trooper had bought all of this food for his own kitchen. I also wanted the focus to be on the storm trooper because he is the subject and it was about him. I chose a landscape orientation to get the whole scene in the frame and I wanted this perspective so that you could see his movement over to the milk.
In creating this image, I again wanted to play with the idea of giving life to toys. As we get older we do not play with toys as much and we think they lose life but what if they didn't. what if they had their own lives. I think this image deals with that idea of as we grow older we lose our sense of creativity but maybe getting back to the toys, we can bring that back. I think this really gives life to the storm trooper because you see his movement and it really makes him look alive!
The class enjoyed the stop motion and were impressed. They liked the colors and the simple, fun idea. It took a long time to make the scenes and get him to stand up or stay in a spot. I loved making this and plan on making more stop motion with toys now that I have one under my belt.
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