Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Final Images

In this photograph I wanted to focus on the moth because of how much attention it brings to itself when it is so light and the ground is so dark. I also wanted to place the subject, the moth, on the left third of the frame so that it was not in the center. I increased the contrast so that the moth stood out more in the photo and I wanted a lot of detail of the ground and the moth in the photo.

In creating this image, I hope to contrast what is light and dark and in the mix of all the chaos of our world, there are light and beautiful things. I think that this image deals with the darkness of our society right now in the world but how there always some light in the world and how we need to find that. I also think that the fact the moth, which is the light, isn't in the center holds a meaning, that we don't always see these wonderful things as the center of our lives, we focus on everything that is wrong.

The other students didn't really interpret this in any way but they did say it looked a bit dark and to lighten it up. I agree, the print was very dark but on the screen it seems lighter so maybe I just need to lighten a bit more so the print is lighter. I think this photo doesn't need extension, it stands on its own.

This photo I cropped when I took the photo by getting very close to the subject so that you didn't get context of what it was. I wanted the focus to be in the center of the sink and for everything else to be blury so I had a small depth of field. I also wanted it to be a landscape so that there was white space on the left to create more of a space.

In creating this image, I hope to make the viewer think about what this is and what it means to them. I think this image deals with our idea of what is important and what we focus on. We don't focus on the daily, mundane things we use every day, we focus on other things. But yet, we wouldn't be able to do most things without these objects.

The class didn't have much interpretation and didn't say much on evaluation. I think it would be interesting to keep this series up and photograph other mundane objects very closely.

In this image, I didn't want to focus on the burner because that is what people notice more, I wanted to focus on the catch plate underneath which is something most people look past. I increased the contrast to make the particles under the burner more visible and to make them stand out more. I also had the burned take up the whole frame so that it took out more of the context of what it is and so that you only focus on the burner.

In creating this image, I hope to make the viewer think about what this is and what it means to them. I think this image deals with our idea of what is important and what we focus on. We don't focus on the daily, mundane things we use every day, we focus on other things. But yet, we wouldn't be able to do most things without these objects.

The class liked the the burner wasn't in focus it was the catch plate and that the catch plate sort of looked like the sky with the white spots as starts and the burner itself as a vortex.. I think it would be interesting to keep this series up and photograph other mundane objects very closely.

For this image, I wanted the portrait orientation because the object was long and it seems more natural to have it like this. I also placed the toaster in the frame so that the middle of the toaster broke up the image in half and it was symmetrical with the levers on each side. I focused on the levers that hold the toast because you never look inside and say, oh look how weird that thing looks. I got very close to the toaster so that is the only thing in the frame to remove context and to get the details of the object.

In creating this image, I hope to make the viewer think about what this is and what it means to them. I think this image deals with our idea of what is important and what we focus on. We don't focus on the daily, mundane things we use every day, we focus on other things. But yet, we wouldn't be able to do most things without these objects.

The class didn't have much interpretation and didn't say much on evaluation again. The only thing that I heard was that they had no idea what this was which is exactly what I wanted. They also liked the symmetry of the photograph. I think it would be interesting to keep this series up and photograph other mundane objects very closely.

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