Thursday, June 2, 2011

Assignment 2

1. When I took the portrait, I cropped it when I took it. The cropping of her left leg and arm helps frame the photo and also put her on the rule of thirds. The portrait orientation shows the length of her body and leads you through the photo. The texture and pattern of the water adds content and depth to the photo making it more interesting and also helps lead you through the photo. In creating this image, I hope to reveal Sam in this moment. The idea of relaxation in water. This photo was not meant to exemplify her entire life and personality but her in this moment. The context is documentation of life and moment. The class did not say too much about this photograph, but they saw it as a story of the day. They liked the shapes that the water created and the placement of Sam in the photo. I don't think I would extend this since I already have photos that go along with this idea from this day documenting our fun in the sun.

This photo works as a landscape because it is not all about Sam but also the pool and the deck with the writing on it. It shows her location and give more meaning to the photo. The contrast is also important, the lightness of her face, the water and the deck bring light to the location while the darkness of the NO DIVING part exemplifies the idea of scolding and boldness of the sign. The line of the pool edge against the water with same breaking that line brings more content to the photo. The break line leads you through the photo to Sam and also exemplifies the line between land and water. In creating this image, I was documenting moments in my life with my friends but after I think it can exemplify the juxtaposition of land and water. Also, some more context could be the idea of how many rules there are on land and in our society and how in the water we are free to relax. The class did not really say anything on this photo but I hope they enjoyed the photograph and the interpretation. I think this photo already has an extension with all of the photographs I took that day at the pool but I think it would be interesting to extend the idea of juxtaposing two different ideas of life and the idea of freedom and rules.

The focus on the middle person creates the main context of this photograph. The placement of the secondary subjects and how they are both looking at the girl in focus is the second part of that. Those two elements are what make this photo. They add an element of a story to it. The perspective of looking from this side so that it looks like she is looking semi at the camera while the camera is looking from the view of the blury girl as if the camera is looking at the girl in focus too. In creating this image, not only was I documenting these moments but also creating a story for the viewer to come up with. I wanted to leave mystery as to why this girl is the center of everyone's focus. The context is what the viewer makes it, it is our imagination and what we come up with. Again, the class did not say much but they did discuss some of the idea of this girl being the focus and everyone looking at her and wondering why they were looking at her. They liked the focus and the framing. I like the idea of creating images like this that let the viewer create a story about the people and leaves it up to their imagination. I would like to continue that.

When I took this photo, I decided to not have his head in the frame because I wanted mystery. Mystery as to who this man was letting the viewer create a face to the body. I wanted a landscape orientation as well because I wanted a lot of space around him to add to the mystery of why he was standing by himself in a yard with a beach ball. The vertical line of the body against the horizontal line of the ground and the bush adds complexity to the photograph. In creating this image, I wanted to create a mysterious photograph that can add some what of anxiety with all the emptyness and questions as to why a beach ball is without a pool. I think this image deals with the fact we forget a lot of faces in our life which can lead to the feeling of emptiness and also the idea of knowing what should be where and the confusion of what a simple object can do when it is in a certain location. The class interpreted as a story that could go along with the other photographs, as a man picking up a beach ball that came into his yard from the next door neighbors who have a pool. They like the cropped face and his posture. I enjoyed taking this photograph and love it but I think it is good on its own and am not sure of an extension.

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