Thursday, June 30, 2011

Final Project

For my final project I wanted to challenge myself. I wanted to do something I have never done before and push myself, which is why I chose to do a stop motion video. I have never done a video before besides the storm trooper stop motion. But one with a narrative that is emotional and has people in it is like a whole new universe to me! I chose this idea for the video because one of my greatest fears is losing the people I love. For me, I am constantly worried I will lose someone and have nightmares about it as well and I wanted to convey this story of a girl losing her loved one in the video. I wanted to utilize scenes that others can relate to. Scenes that most couples and relationships go through and they people can connect with the emotion of love. I wanted the scenes to be playful in that sense but also reflect how much he means to her and reflect her confusion in the dream of not knowing whether he is there or not and that she keeps looking for him.
I hope that my ideas were conveyed in my video. I am still learning about videos. I do wish that I would have had a bit more time to work on it just because it is a deep concept and long video that it has taken a lot to do. If I had more time I may have been able to shoot the scenes a couple of different ways to see what worked but the time crunch limited me. I also am excited to try to make a new story and new video now that I have my first one under the belt. I learned a lot about editing and how different types of shooting will help in the end with editing and putting it together. It was definitely a learning process and I am still learning. I enjoyed making the video and putting my ideas into a new medium of art. It pushed me personally and artistically and am excited to try more!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Works in progress 2- Final

Thoughts on Final Images Assignment 5


For the collage, I chose the postcards as the subject because for me, my family and friends travel all over the world and I love getting postcards from them. It was a sentimental subject. I wanted it to be a portrait orientation to showcase the length and express just how many postcards I get. I also chose to use bigger slivers of the postcards so you get more color and subject from them but still are not sure of the places that they are from.

In creating this image, I wanted to tell a personal story of how much traveling means to my family and how pieces of our life put together can make a beautiful image. I think it deals with the idea of how chaotic our life can be and how all over the place it is but so colorful and beautiful it is at the same time.

The students really like the story behind it, the colors and the whole idea. They thought it might be cool to keep going and just adding on more postcards to it as the years go by. I like that idea and am really interesting in doing something like that. Maybe adding on to this one or creating a different collage for each year.

Boy yelling at bunny:

For this one I wanted a landscape orientation to really get the whole scene in the frame. I chose natural lighting because I loved how it was working with the scene, it really brought so much overall light and gave the image a sense of film still even. I wanted this perspective so that the spilled orange juice led you up to the bunny who was getting yelled at for the spilled drink.

In creating this image, I wanted to play with the idea of posed performance and the idea of giving life to toys. This could have been just a bunny sitting there but the interaction with the human gives it a sense that the bunny did spill the OJ. I think that this image deals with the idea of the role of normally inanimate objects in our life and how we have always grown up with them and given them life in our play time but what if they always had life?

The class really liked this photograph and the colors in it. They liked the scene and wanted me to keep going with it, maybe make more or expand on this scene. They like how the background made the colors of the guy and the bunny stand out. I really enjoyed making this and would be interested in doing more with this bunny, this scene or just totally new toys and scenes too.

Storm troopers triptych:

For this one, I chose to make it a triptych because I think it enhances the idea of the narrative. I also chose to get close to the storm troopers in the photographs to make it seem like they were bigger and that they were doing the actions and had life in them. I wanted to use natural light from windows and indoor lights to make it seem that they were just going about their day instead of posing.

In creating this image, I again wanted to play with the idea of giving life to toys. As we get older we do not play with toys as much and we think they lose life but what if they didn't. what if they had their own lives. I think this image deals with that idea of as we grow older we lose our sense of creativity but maybe getting back to the toys, we can bring that back.

The class enjoyed the photographs and thought they were amusing. They liked the triptych and agreed that it brought more of a narrative to it. They like the lighting and colors also. I really enjoyed working with the toys and already have plans to make more scenes with them to make it seem like they are alive.

Stop motion- Storm Troopers love Oreos

For the stop motion, I wanted to keep the background of the kitchen just how it was. I feel like it makes it seem as if the storm trooper had bought all of this food for his own kitchen. I also wanted the focus to be on the storm trooper because he is the subject and it was about him. I chose a landscape orientation to get the whole scene in the frame and I wanted this perspective so that you could see his movement over to the milk.

In creating this image, I again wanted to play with the idea of giving life to toys. As we get older we do not play with toys as much and we think they lose life but what if they didn't. what if they had their own lives. I think this image deals with that idea of as we grow older we lose our sense of creativity but maybe getting back to the toys, we can bring that back. I think this really gives life to the storm trooper because you see his movement and it really makes him look alive!

The class enjoyed the stop motion and were impressed. They liked the colors and the simple, fun idea. It took a long time to make the scenes and get him to stand up or stay in a spot. I loved making this and plan on making more stop motion with toys now that I have one under my belt.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Final Project- work in progress

This is a very rough draft, I am still doing a lot of editing and half the video is not in. The concept of someone you love disappearing.

Also, thoughts on if there should be no sound or a quiet song playing. At the end when she wakes up it will be audio of her actual surroundings so I want the dream state to either be quiet or have a song so that they have a big difference and showcases the difference of dream and reality but I am not sure of no sound or a song yet.

I am also thinking about slowing it down so there are less frames per second so that it doesn't go by so fast.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Blog 6

  1. Ideas sometimes grow out of irritation. What is a negative thought you are having about your project? What is the opposite of this negative thought? How could you implement a change in your project so that this negative thought will subside?

I am not sure that the concept or the idea I have in my head for the video will translate well when I actually take all of the photographs and put them together. The opposite is that my idea is seen clearly. I need to write down my ideas and have a set plan so that it can translate easily to the photographs.

  1. What is the “opposite” of your final project? How can you rework your project to include the “opposite”? The opposite would be real video instead of stop motion. I am incorporating that exact thing at the end of my stop motion to juxtapose reality and a dream.
  2. What is a consistent theme/visual element in your project? What would be the opposite of this? How can you implement that into your project? The consistent theme is loss and having her bf disappear. The opposite is having him there which I am doing a mix of both.
  3. Type twenty words or phrases that relate to your project. Love, loss, loneliness, boyfriend, girlfriend, death, romance, memories, park, dating, together, apart, stutter, dream, longing, missing, disappear, giving, mystery, sadness.
  4. At the deepest core, describe why you like this project. Dig deep! I like this project because it touches upon my fear of being a lone and losing the one I love.
  5. Expand your project. If time, money, materials, etc would not affect you, how would you expand your project? I would expand it by taking more time with certain shots and also adding place to shoot at in the video. I would take more time to add in better and bigger props. I would also find a way to have the carnival scene be on a ride but I could not do what I wanted on the rides.
  6. Contract your project. What would it boil down to if squeezed and contracted to its simplest form? Love and loss.
  7. Look at one of your images. Redesign it entirely. I am picturing my carnival scene and I would change it by adding in a scene with the rides in it.
  8. Divide your project into three components. Rearrange and reassemble them in your mind. Three components are the bf being there, the boyfriend disappearing and the girl waking up. I think the whole video rearranges these components as the video advances.
  9. List your assumptions about your project. Reverse these. I assume it will be quite a long video but the reverse to that is that the photographs will be a lot in a second and the video wont be as long as I thought.
  10. What would your project look like 100 years ago? What would your project look like 100 years in the future? 100 years ago and in the future it would be similar theme because love and loss will never change but the places will change as to the date and places that are around then.
  11. Remove something from your project. How does it change? Remove the boyfriend and there is no theme just a girl walking around town.
  12. Persuade the reader that your project works well and is the most amazing project you have ever completed. This project touches on love, loss of a loved one and nightmares. It is a stop motion video which is very intriguing and will be interesting to the viewer and it involved a lot of places that can connect to everyone and what they do with their loved ones.
  13. Persuade the reader that your project stinks. Then, persuade the reader that you will make changes so that it no longer stinks. No one wants to deal with love and loss and it will make you sad and you may not realize that it is a dream in the first place. To change this thought I am going to add a part at the end that is real time video so you can see the difference between dream and reality and have her waking up in a sweat and have a scene that depicts he is gone but that she loved him and holds on to the memories.
  14. Think of one of your most memorable dreams. How could you add elements from this dreams to your project? One of my memorable dreams is about being a lone in a white room and wanting to get out to be with people and my family and I think that this entire project has that element.
  15. How would you convert your project into a narrative? How would you remove any narrative from your project? I think my project is a narrative, it tells a story about the girl through the stop motion video. I think not having it a video and just a couple pictures would take away the narrative.
  16. How would you connect your images physically and conceptually? How would you make them disconnected physically and conceptually? They are connected through the stop motion video, to disconnect them would be to choose just 5 of the hundreds and you would lose the concept and they would be apart.
  17. What would happen if you demolished your project and reconstructed it physically or conceptually? I would change scenes and it would be a brand-new project
  18. Name an artist/photographer/designer/videographer who would love your project. Why? Liebovitz may enjoy it because it touches on love and captures/documents part of my life.
  19. Name an artist/photographer/designer/videographer who would hate your project. Why? Stieglitz may have some disconnect because it is not pictoral work and is straight photography.
  20. How would you make your project more edgy, saccharine, provocative, empty, revealing, concealing, funny, sad, mysterious, blunt, honest, disingenuous, fast, slow, playful, austere, hateful, lovable, bold, subtle, long, short, big, small, connected, disconnected? I could add more scenes, make some more racy with her boyfriend, make it more intense with the idea that he is dead by adding a cemetery scene, make it more revealing by adding the image of the girl in there but the idea that you never see her face is mysterious, adding more scenes to lengthen it or cut some out to shorten. Etc. etc. Add noice and voice so that you are more connected to the boyfriend and he is more lovable.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Two Identities in class assignment

Final Images

For this photo, I wanted the orientation to be a landscape so that she on the right side of the frame and that you see the whole setting and the environment. I also wanted it to have a higher contrast effect and I placed her on the right side so that she could look like she was starting to go into the little play house.

For this photo, I wanted the focus to be on her and the cute, modern, bright outfit and so that it contrasts against the old chair she is standing on. I had a portrait orientation so that she was the entire frame and you could see her entire outfit. I cropped it in a bit so that she was in the center and that there wasn't too much on the outside to distract but enough to add a bit of context.

I chose landscape for this photo because because I wanted the frame to go along with the shape of the chair. I place the shoes on the upper half of the photograph so that the bright green plants would show and contrast against the dull wood yet add more color to the blue and yellow bright shoes. I utilized natural light to go along with the idea of playing outside and it worked out well since it was a sunny day.

For this series of photograph, in creating them I wanted to reveal the idea of fashion along with the ideal of play. I wanted a bit of a mystical forest feel yet believable. I wanted the playhouse to maybe seem like a modern alice in wonderland and the others to just have the viewer to question why a chair is in the plants. I think this series plays with the idea of youth and how clothes can make us feel younger. The class liked the shoe photograph and enjoyed the colors in all of them. They thought they felt playful and fun. They did not say much beyond that. I really enjoyed making the photographs. I would like to shoot some more in possibly different settings and areas.

For this photograph, I wanted it to be portrait so that there was a lot of space at the top to sort of make the viewer feel a bit nervous about how high the slide is and to possibly be easy to add text for an ad. I wanted the subject to not be looking at the camera and over the side so that the viewer is curious as to what she is looking at. For the Background, I wanted it to be on a swing set to add to the idea of play.

For this photograph, I wanted a bit of a sense of symmetry with the teeter-totters but then have the girl break up that symmetry by sitting on one. I chose a landscape orientation to juxtapose the almost vertical sense of the teeter-totters. I wanted this perspective so that the you have a sense of looking up and that the teeter totters are leading you through the photograph.

For this two photo series, I wanted in to reveal the idea of fashion along with the ideal of play. I wanted these photos to bring the viewer back to their youth and memories of the playground for them. I hope to tell a personal story of how much I loved the playground which can connect to others enjoyment of recess. I think this series plays with the idea of youth and how clothes can make us feel younger and bring memories back to us. The class liked the colors of the photographs. They thought they were playful. They didn't say much beyond that. I enjoyed making this series and utilizing this concept and would like to take this concept to other places and backgrounds.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Recreation 5

For my recreation, I utilized the idea of Henk Tas. I have always loved making still lifes with toys and my legos and putting them in everyday settings. I wanted to give life to the storm troopers and make it feel like looking through a cookbook is an everyday thing for them and that they are actually about to make breakfast and can do such a thing. I loved making the photograph and have ideas for more! The one difference between mine and Henk Tas's photo is that I feel his are a bit more dark some times and I wanted mine to be bright and youthful and funny.

Henk Tas

Henk Tas is from Amsterdam, Netherlands where he still resides. He has had many exhibitions and books. Tas has worked on mosaics and silkscreens but some of his most popular work are his staged photographs. Tas utilizes toys that are small figurines and flowers to bring life to his staged photos. I love Tas's work because he brings life and character to things that normally to us don't have life. His work reminds me of when I was little and our young imaginations could bring life to what toys we had. As we get older, we lose our imagination and ability to have our creative thoughts come through. These photographs show you can also be creative no matter what age. I have always been interested in creating life with toys and Tas does this well.

Imogen Cunningham

Imogen was born April 12, 1883 in Portland, Oregon and died June 24, 1976. She bought her first camera when she was 18 from the American School of Art in Scranton, Pennsylvania but didn't find must interest in it. When she was studying at University of Washington in Seattle she was inspired by Gertrude Kasebier's work to start photography again. She studied the chemistry behind photography and paid for school by photographing plants for the botany department.

She worked in studios working on portraits and also moved to Germany to study some more on a scholarship. Once she came back, she opened her own studio and was popular for her portraiture and pictoral work. Her work was shown in many exhibits. She soon became more interested in botanical photography specifically the magnolia flower. After the flowers came her interest in the human body and hands which led to her work with Vanity Fair. She continued to photograph until her death.

Imogen's work is amazing. Her work with flowers and the human form to me look similar. She was able to give the flowers a body/form like feel the way she photographed them. Imogen is one of the most influential photographers, I believe. I love the details of the flower and of the body that she created.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Blog 5

#22 Watch the video in the link below. Write a few sentences in response to this video.

I think this is amazing. It defines how complex our world of art is and how much you can do with it. You don't have to stick to one area of art, and the fact that you can mix photograph with multi media with cg and video, etc is amazing. It shows where arts is going and what our futures holds. This proves that you shouldn't feel you can't do something, when you have an idea you should go for it. This was beautiful and an amazing concept. It is inspiring and I love that media forms are so multifaceted.


1. In what ways do you “construct” your identity? In what ways do you “perform” in your daily life?

I perform daily when I meet new people, I hold back how outgoing and who I really am so that I can get a feel for the other person first and to make a neutral first impression. I also construct my identity on facebook and twitter. I put up certain pictures, say certain things, etc and that which what I choose to put up constructs a certain identity that others see me as.

2. Describe some ways in which your personal culture and social environments are “constructed”.

Our culture and social environment is constructed daily by what ads are put out and what the government say. We take these advertisements, commercials, magazines and what the newstations and governments say as a way that which are society is. Not everyone agrees with what is put out but no matter what it affects how our society works and constructs what is sold, what is bought, what people like and what they want.

3. Describe some ways in which your physical environment/space is “constructed”.

Our physical space is constructed daily by government and property owners and architects. They choose what will go in a spot or how it will be renovated which will then affect the physical space that is the conclusion of that project and what the space is that we are a part of.

4. In your daily life, what would you consider to be “real” and what would you consider to be “constructed/fabricated”?

I think what is real is what we trust and hold most close to ourselves. We do not trust what is not real and fabricated such as friends, spaces and other things. But other things such as art, we like real and also constructed, we like fabricated tv shows and movies. Things that we don't have to rely on can be fabricated.

5. Describe a narrative tableaux that you might create to be captured by a photograph. A narrative tableaux can be defined as “Several human actors play out scenes from everyday life, history, myth or the fantasy of the direction artist” ( Constructed Realities: The Art of Staged Photography Edited by Michael Kohler , 34).

This makes me think of fantasy or portraying dreams. I would want to convey the idea of someone sleeping and their dream coming to life around them. A bed in a forest with magical creatures or elves around them acting out the dream. Where it is contrasting that this girl is sleeping yet her dreams are alive. I imagine the bed being bright and the woods being darker with lights hanging from the trees to add to the fantasy.

6. Describe an idea for a photograph that includes a miniature stage or still life. A description of such an image is “The tableaux reconstructs events as in the narrative tableaux, but in miniaturized format, using dolls and other toy objects” (Kohler, 34).

When I think of this, I think of my work with legos and how I want to work more with them. I think of these tiny toys in a still life but with the stage of reality and our world compared to theirs. I think of a stage where the star wars legos are on the stove top cooking breakfast such as eggs on large, human pans.

#24 Describe your plans for your self-proposed final project (if the plan is the same as before, paste it here again and give a bit more detail). During the final critique for Assignment #5, you will discuss/present these ideas to the class.

For my final project, I want to make a stop motion film. It will be a narrative. It starts with a girl waking up in her bed and looking over to her boyfriend, she looks away to the alarm clock and looks back and he is gone, she goes about her day where she thinks her boyfriend is there but when she turns away and looks back, he is gone. This goes on the entire day while cooking breakfast, while walking to the park, at the park coming home then at the end it goes black and she jerks awake for real from her dream and realizes none of it was real and he is next to her in bed. The last part will be in real video and not stop motion to juxtapose what is the dream and reality or possibly what was reality and what is dream?!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Final Images

In this photograph I wanted to focus on the moth because of how much attention it brings to itself when it is so light and the ground is so dark. I also wanted to place the subject, the moth, on the left third of the frame so that it was not in the center. I increased the contrast so that the moth stood out more in the photo and I wanted a lot of detail of the ground and the moth in the photo.

In creating this image, I hope to contrast what is light and dark and in the mix of all the chaos of our world, there are light and beautiful things. I think that this image deals with the darkness of our society right now in the world but how there always some light in the world and how we need to find that. I also think that the fact the moth, which is the light, isn't in the center holds a meaning, that we don't always see these wonderful things as the center of our lives, we focus on everything that is wrong.

The other students didn't really interpret this in any way but they did say it looked a bit dark and to lighten it up. I agree, the print was very dark but on the screen it seems lighter so maybe I just need to lighten a bit more so the print is lighter. I think this photo doesn't need extension, it stands on its own.

This photo I cropped when I took the photo by getting very close to the subject so that you didn't get context of what it was. I wanted the focus to be in the center of the sink and for everything else to be blury so I had a small depth of field. I also wanted it to be a landscape so that there was white space on the left to create more of a space.

In creating this image, I hope to make the viewer think about what this is and what it means to them. I think this image deals with our idea of what is important and what we focus on. We don't focus on the daily, mundane things we use every day, we focus on other things. But yet, we wouldn't be able to do most things without these objects.

The class didn't have much interpretation and didn't say much on evaluation. I think it would be interesting to keep this series up and photograph other mundane objects very closely.

In this image, I didn't want to focus on the burner because that is what people notice more, I wanted to focus on the catch plate underneath which is something most people look past. I increased the contrast to make the particles under the burner more visible and to make them stand out more. I also had the burned take up the whole frame so that it took out more of the context of what it is and so that you only focus on the burner.

In creating this image, I hope to make the viewer think about what this is and what it means to them. I think this image deals with our idea of what is important and what we focus on. We don't focus on the daily, mundane things we use every day, we focus on other things. But yet, we wouldn't be able to do most things without these objects.

The class liked the the burner wasn't in focus it was the catch plate and that the catch plate sort of looked like the sky with the white spots as starts and the burner itself as a vortex.. I think it would be interesting to keep this series up and photograph other mundane objects very closely.

For this image, I wanted the portrait orientation because the object was long and it seems more natural to have it like this. I also placed the toaster in the frame so that the middle of the toaster broke up the image in half and it was symmetrical with the levers on each side. I focused on the levers that hold the toast because you never look inside and say, oh look how weird that thing looks. I got very close to the toaster so that is the only thing in the frame to remove context and to get the details of the object.

In creating this image, I hope to make the viewer think about what this is and what it means to them. I think this image deals with our idea of what is important and what we focus on. We don't focus on the daily, mundane things we use every day, we focus on other things. But yet, we wouldn't be able to do most things without these objects.

The class didn't have much interpretation and didn't say much on evaluation again. The only thing that I heard was that they had no idea what this was which is exactly what I wanted. They also liked the symmetry of the photograph. I think it would be interesting to keep this series up and photograph other mundane objects very closely.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Recreation 4

I decided to recreate the typical ice cream ad. Most of the ads have little kids especially girls so I decided to use a grown up and a guy to contrast that. I had a low depth of field so the background was blurry and had the ice cream in focus. I increased saturation so the colors were bright and strong and also wanted moments that were goofy or happy while he ate his ice cream. It was difficult though because the ice cream was melting fast and he kept wanting to eat the ice cream! :)

Martin Parr

Martin Parr was born in May, 1952 in Britain. He is a British documentary photographer and photojournalist. Parr studied photography at Manchester Polytechnic which is now Manchester Metropolitan University. Parr is part of Magnum Photos.

He first started to work in black and white film and then moved to color in 1984. He is known for his projects that critically look at different aspects of modern life in England specifically the province and suburban life.

Parr's work is something different. His photos are intimate and satirical. He is not afraid to get in the face and lives of the people he photographs. He captures the good and bad and all of the emotions and lives. He does not gussy people up, he photographs them how they are. He utilizes macro lenses and ring flash which give them a sense of a type of paparazzi feel sometimes. He also uses high-saturation colour film to enhance the colors. He has recently moved to digital which makes it easier. He puts his subjects under them microscope of his lens. It is amazing work and really see the true lives of these people. Some of the photographs are quite sad to see how much people try to be so magnificent and try to live such a fancy life when it is unnecessary.

Robert Capa

Capa was born October, 1913 in Austria-Hungary. He died at the age of 40 in 1954 in the State of Vietnam. He originally wanted to be a writer but his first job was in Berlin as a photographer. He moved to France during the rise of Nazism and that is when he changed his name to Robert Capa from Endre Erno Friedmann.

Caoa was a Hungarian combat photographer and covered the Spanish Civil War, the Second Sino-Japanese War, World War II, the 1948 Arab-Israeli War and the First Indochina War. His photograph during the 1944 Normandy invasion portrayed the violence of war with unique impact. In 1947, Capa co-founded Magnum Photos with Henri Cartier-Bresson. It was the first coop agency for worldwide freelance photographers.

Capa utilized the film process. His work really documented what it meant to be in war. Capa wasn't afraid to get in the middle of the action and document exactly what was going on. His work expressed his dedication to his job and what he wanted to show of war. Not many were able to make such dedication to their work and to war photography. It is a dangerous job but he loved what he did and wasn't afraid to do it. Capa died while photographing the First Indochina War when he stepped on a landmine.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Blog 4

#19. Can you think of anything that:

I cannot think of anything that should not and cannot be photographed. I believe everything can be and probably should be. Whether it is fashion, fine-art, documentary, any type of photography I believe truly “documents” our lives and our society and this world. It helps us realize/see what we are unable to see for ourselves and travel to places we always wanted to travel to. It helps us keep track of what is going on and what we need to change. It also helps us come to the realization of what is truly going on in the world that we did not know about and some things that are good and some things are bad. We cannot censor art or censor photography. That is like censoring speech. For me personally, I am not sure if there is something I do not want to photograph. Right now in my life, I want to try everything. I want to photograph every type of genre and just try things. I do not think I would limit myself. The only thing I would not enjoy is being paparazzi following the celebs around. To me, they are not doing it for the love of photography; they are doing it for money.

#20 Describe at least one photograph that you could take for each of the following “place” prompts.

  • An image of a synthetic “place” such as Disney World, Las Vegas, a Hollywood set, a diorama, etc.
    • For this prompt, since I am not near a big park/big life place likes these I would go to what is a set up place in Lansing. When I think of these places I think of big lights, a lot of people, food and a lot of activity. This in turn makes me think of a Lansing Lugnuts game on a “Thirsy Thursday” night. Capturing the essence of the stadium and all of the people that are there.
  • An image of a fantasy/fictitious environment concocted from your imagination.
    • In my imagination, when I think fantasy/fictitious I think of a mix of Alice in Wonderland and Lord of the Rings. I think of a field with pretty trees that the sun is rising and there is a haze all around. There are flowers and people in ‘costumes’ or creatures in the background. To me, it would be like you are a spectator to their lives just like most fantasy things are to us. We are always reading or watching them, unless it is in our dreams.
  • An image of a placeless space such as the Internet, cell phones, e-mail, e-bank, surveillance, etc.
    • This photograph would be blank room, either white or black with a lot of lines that could be created by flashlights and lasers to seem like information is coming in and out of this all white or black room that no one knows where it is.
  • An image of a public space.
    • A public space to me, when I first hear that word, is grand river. I think of The porch or peanut barrel and espresso royal where all of these people are together walking in and out of these public areas yet most do not know each other. A long exposure to capture the still people sitting yet also getting all of the movement of people passing.
  • An image of a private space.
    • When I first think of private space, I think of the bathroom. I think of taking a shower and just having time to think to myself and relax. I think of a scene where you are looking into the shower, it is all hazy and the shower head is on the left and the face that has their eyes closed and water just falling on their face on the right.
  • An in-between space that brings to mind one of the following ideas: nomadic lifestyles, displacement, rootlessness, out-of-placeness, boundaries, movement, expansion, etc.
    • I think of an open road, a backpack on the side of the road all alone with open space everywhere. Or even that same open road with no cars on it or one car way far off in the distance with a person walking away from the camera. It would be midday so the sun is high and is bright.


A. Describe some common aesthetic aspects of “news”-related photographs.

I think of news I think of the world, in your face, moments, expressions, war, reality, it has an objective, it tells a narrative, history.

B. Describe some common aesthetic aspects of “snapshots”, including family photographs, cell-phone shots, photos posted to facebook,

Snapshots I think of emotions, memories, events, friends/family, love, it is personal, it describes you and your life, it is something you want to remember, it is mostly positive, happiness, it tells stories.

C. Describe some common aesthetic aspects of advertisement photographs, including fashion photography, product photography, etc

I think of color, design, I think of classy for some advertisements, It can be far fetched when it comes to fashion photography and can be imaginative, it has no boundaries, it is set-up and materialistic, it can be moments and emotions but people know that they are not real, it has a purpose to sell.

D. Describe some common aesthetic aspects of film/movie and television stills.

When I think of film/movie/tv stills, I think of being set-up, I think of imagination, of fantasy and drama, it has a story in it, it can be a mix of every type of photograph aesthetic depending on the movie/tv, it is a moment in the movie/tv show.

E. Describe some common aesthetic aspects of yearbook photos, senior pictures, and team/club/sports group shots.

These photos to me to do not hold much emotion or expression. They are just there to say who was in what. They are set-up and the people in them are ready and posed. They are there to document who did what each year and that is all.

F. Describe some common aesthetic aspects of stock images.

When I first think of stock images, I think of cheesy, but when you really go through and see them all they are every type of photograph and every type of aesthetics. They express life and our world in every way possible. Yes, they have the usual sunrise and sunset photos on the beach but they also have photos that are fashion, that are sports, that are news, that are captures of moments, emotions, life and people.

G. Describe some common aesthetic aspects of fashion photography.

Fashion photography is colorful, imaginative, set-up, posed, not reality, what we all want to be, pretty, rough, they take a chance, they can be/a lot are racy.

H. Describe some common aesthetic aspects of paparazzi shots or celebrity photographs.

Paparazzi shots and celeb photographs to me, I think of invasion, emotions and moments but most that are not natural but what is forced upon them at that moment because of the paparazzi. They are sneaky yet can sometimes capture personal moments.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Place Recreation

I was in Ann Arbor this past weekend and some of the most recent and intense memories I have are ones from the Big Chill and when I go to MSU vs U of M games there with my friends and sister. I decided to photograph the stadium. I wanted to the gates in the photograph to exemplify that it is closed and have a lot of empty space to contrast it from how I normally think of it which is busy, open and a ton of people. I wanted to overlay it with a picture of one of the games so that you can see the different and also see the physical difference of the construction on the stadium. I wanted the photo I took to be in black and white to exemplify the lonelyness of the empty stadium and the photograph of my friends and all the people to be in color to show how alive it is during the season.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Alfred Stieglitz

Alfred Stieglitz was born on January 1, 1864 in Hoboken, New Jersey. He died in NYC on July 13, 1946 at the age of 82. He was married to painter Georgia O'Keeffe. He studied mechanical engineering at the Technische Hochschule in Berlin, Germany. Through school he met German artist Adolf von Menzel who introduced him to art and making art through nature. He then bought his first camera and traveled taking photographs. He collected many photography books and began to create his own idea for photography and aesthetics. He moved back to US and lived in NYC where he started the Camera Club of New York. He is also known for his art galleries in NYC where he introduced many European artists to the U.S.

Stieglitz was an American photographer. He documented American life and kept history through his photographs. He captured what it meant to live in NYC and as an American. He also photograph Georgia O'keeffe and took portraits of others. He was also very well known for his promotion of modern art in American through his galleria and having photography be an accept art form.

Stieglitz used the form of platinum prints for producing his prints. This process was known for making images with rich, subtly varied tones.